"Compétences globales pour une employabilité durable : étude comparative de la mobilité des étudiants nord-sud de la Méditerranée", with Stefanie HAsler and Abdeljallil Akkari, to be presented in Colloque de la communauté du savoir : Formation supérieure et digitalisation : Mise en dialogue des acteurs de la gouvernance, de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage, Biel-Bienne, 07.09.2023.
"Knowledge spillovers from patent citations: Evidence from Swiss Manufacturing Industry", with Racha Khairallah, in proceedings of Waset_ 23FRPA05ICIKDM Conference: Innovation, knowledge and data management, May 11-12 2023.
"International students mobility and employability : Role of global competences", with Stefanie Hasler, presented at COST ENIS WG4 meeting, February, 7th 2023.
"Developing Transversal and Intercultural Competences to Increase Employability", with Patrick Ischer and Sophie Wodociag, in Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development. 164–181. IGI Global, 2023.
"L’émergence des compétences globales dans l’enseignement supérieur", with Stefanie Hasler, presented at EURES-CH Workshop, December, 1st, 2022.
"Apprentissage et absorption des connaissances relatives à l’exportation", with Patrick Ischer, in Eric Davoine and Olivier Furrer (eds.) Les défis de l'internationalisation des organisations. 39-59. Edition Vuibert.
"Compétences soft et rôle de la mobilité internationale", with Stefanie Hasler, Paper presented at European employement Services meeting (EURES Suisse), December 9, 2021, Kursaal Bern.
"Foreign implementation strategies and export modes: the case of Swiss manufacturing multinational firms", with Patrick Ischer and Stefanie Hasler, International Journal of Export Marketing, 260-281, 2021. Presented at the 3rd Nordic International Business, Export Marketing, Int. Entrepreneurship and Tourism virtual Conference 2021 on 6-7 November 2021.
"Foreign Direct Investment Motivation and Spillovers from Southern MNCs: The Swiss Case", with Racha Khairallah, In Proceedings of the 48th Academy of International Business UK Ireland Chapter Conference, 14 April 2021.
"Export Learning from MNCs? Evidence from Swiss manufacturing industry", presented at Australia and New Zealand International Business AcademyANZIBA virtual conference, 17-19th February, 2021.
"Foreign implementation strategies and export modes: the case of Swiss manufacturing multinational firms", with Patrick Ischer and Stefanie Hasler, Paper presented to the 3rd Workshop on Export Management Research, Paris, 27 January 2020
"Apprentissage et absorption des connaissances relatives à l’exportation. Le cas des PME suisses actives dans le secteur manufacturier", in proceeding of the conference ATLAS AFMI, Fribourg, June, 17-19, 2019.This paper has been pre-selected to be published in the conference book « Le national face au global», edition Vuibert.
"Do firms learn to export? Evidence from Switzerland", with Ischer, Patrick, Papaer presented at ISME Workshop and Conference: Internationalization of SMEs in the Digital Age, April 29-30, Bozen, 2019.
"Are there export spillovers in manufacturing industry? Evidence from Switzerland", with Ischer, Patrick, Int. J. Export Marketing, in Press 2019.
"Are there export spillovers in manufacturing industry? Evidence from Switzerland", with Ischer, Patrick, in Proceedings of NIB&EM Conference, November 3-4, Tallinn, 2018.
"Le développement des compétences interculturelles et transversales en vue de favoriser l’employabilité : le rôle de la mobilité internationales dans l’enseignement supérieur", with Ischer, Patrick and Wodociag, Sophie, paper presented at International conference ATLAS AFMI, Paris, 21-23 mai, 2018.
"Are there productivity spillovers from southern MNCs in the Swiss Service/construction Industry", with Racha Khairallah, Journal of Contemporary Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2017.
"Outward R&D Spillovers inthe home country:the role of reverse knowledge transfer", in Breaking up the global value chain: opportunities and consequences, (eds.), Torben Pedersen et al., Emerald Publishing, 2017.
"Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Companies: Evidence from Swiss Manufacturing Industry", in International conference EFCT 2017, Economie, Finance, Comptabilité et Transparence : Orienter l'Investissement vers un développement durable et une croissance partagée, May 7-9th 2017, Hammamet, Tunisia.
"Overseas and Domestic R&D: The Case of Switzerland”, with Lucia Piscitello, in Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Companies: Sharing Multiple Perspectives (eds.) Lamia Ben Hamida and Christophe Lejeune, l’Harmattan, 2016.
"Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Companies: Sharing Multiple Perspectives". with Christophe Lejeune, L’Harmattan, 2016.
"Southern MNCs in Switzerland and regional productivity spillovers in services/construction industry", with Racha Khairallah, Special Issue on: Internationalisation and Competitiveness of Emerging Economy Firms, International journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 2016, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 340–358.
"Compétitivité des entreprises et franc fort : Bilan d’un séminaire-débat", 2016, revue no. 142, chambre d’économie publique du Jura Bernois.
"Valorisation et distribution d’huile d’olive 100% Tunisienne en Suisse: résultat d’une étude qualitative auprès des distributeurs potentiels en Suisse", in The International Business Meetings of Olive Oil, Novembre 9-11th 2016, Sfax, Tunisia.
"Building R&D capabilities abroad and the role of reverse knowledge transfer in explaining MNCs’ productivity", in Research on Comparative Economic Perspectives on Europe and the MENA Region, (eds.) M. Mustafa Erdoğdu and M. Bryan Christiansen, IGI Global, USA, pp. 988, 2015.
"Southern MNCs in Europe and regional productivity spillovers in services/construction industry : evidence from Switzerland", with Racha Khairallah, In Proceedings of Reading-UNCTAD International Business Conference 2015.
"Building R&D capabilities abroad and the role of outward FDI spillovers in explaining domestic firms’ productivity in the home country", in Proceedings of AIB Mini-Conference Breaking up the global value chain: Possibilities and consequences, October 30-31, 2015, Milan, Italy.
"Are there productivity spillovers from southern MNCs in Europe: evidence from Swiss service/construction industry?", with Racha Khairallah, in Proceedings of EIBA conference “The Future of Global Organizing”, Uppsala, December 11-13, 2014.
“The impact of foreign R&D activities on the MNC’s performance at home: Evidence from the Case of Swiss Manufacturing firms”, with Lucia Piscitello, La Revue d’économie Industrielle, N0. 143, pp 11-34, 2013, published also in European Review of Industrial Economics and Policy, N0. 7, http://revel.unice.fr/eriep/index.html?id=3613
“Are There Regional Spillovers from FDI in the Swiss Manufacturing Industry?”, International Business Review, Vol. 12, pp 754-769, 2013.
“Regional FDI Spillovers in the Swiss Service/Construction Industry: The Role of Spillover Mechanisms and Local Technological Characteristics”, in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): Policies, Economic Impacts and Global Perspectives, Nova Science Publishers, USA, 2013.
“MNCs in Service/Construction Industry and Regional Productivity Effects”, in Proceedings of EIBA conference, 12-14 December 2013, Bremen.
“The Role of Reverse Knowledge Transfer in Explaining MNCs’ performance”, with Mario Kafouros and Valériya Dominé, in Proceedings of EIBA conference, 7-9 December, London 2012.
“FDI and Spillovers in the Swiss Services/Construction Industry: Interaction Effects between Spillover Mechanisms and Domestic Technological Characteristics”, Critical Perspectives on International Business, vol. 7, No. 3, 2011.
“The Impact of Foreign R&D Activities on the MNC’s Performance at Home: Evidence from the Case of Swiss Manufacturing firms”, with Lucia Piscitello, Presented in BJIR conference and special issue on Outsourcing/Offshoring of Service Work, November 17th-18th, 2010, London.
"FDI and Spillovers in the Swiss Manufacturing Industry: Interaction effects between Spillover Mechanism and Domestic Absorptive Capacities", with Philippe Gugler (2008) in Maryann P. Feldman et Grazia D. Santangelo (eds), New Perspectives in International Business Research, Progress in International Business Research, volume 3, Emerald.
“The Relationship between Overseas and Domestic R&D Activities: Evidence for Switzerland”, with Lucia Piscitello, in Proceedings of EIBA Conference, International Business and the Catching-up Economies: Challenges and Opportunities, Tallinn, December 11-13, 2008.
"How the PFI may contribute to a more coherent international policy framework on investment ?" with Philippe Gugler (2008), paper presented at the "OECD Global Forum on International Investment VII", Paris, 27-28 March 2008.
“FDI and Spillovers in the Swiss Services/Construction Industry: Interaction Effects between Spillover Mechanisms and Domestic Technological Characteristics”, in Proceedings of AIB Conference, Knowledge Development and Exchange in International Business Networks, June 30- July 3, Milan, Italy, 2008.
“FDI and Spillovers in Switzerland: Interaction Effects between Spillover Mechanisms and Domestic Technological Characteristics”, with Philippe Gugler, in Proceedings of EIBA Conference, International Business, Local Development and Science-Technology Relationships, December 13-15, Catania, Italy, 2007.
“Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Intra-Industry Spillovers: The Swiss Case” PhD Dissertation, University of Fribourg, September 18th, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2007.
“FDI, Intra-Industry Spillovers, and Productivity Growth: An Evolutionary Model” in Proceedings of the 24th Journeys of Applied Microeconomics, May 31-June 1, University of Fribourg, 2007.
“FDI and Spillovers in the Swiss Manufacturing Industry: Interaction Effects between Spillover Mechanisms and Domestic Absorptive Capacities”, with Philippe Gugler, Presented at the Research Seminar of the Department of Management, Economics, and Industrial Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano, June 11, Milan, 2008.
“Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Intra-Industry Spillovers: The Swiss Case” presented in the Framework of the NCCR PhD Workshop, World Trade Institute, April 12-13, Bern, Switzerland, 2007.
“Is There an Interaction between spillover mechanisms and the domestic absorptive capacity: Swiss case” presented in the Research Seminar of the Department of Quantitative Economics, University of Fribourg, January 10th, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2007.
“Intra-Industry Spillovers from Inward FDI: An Evolutionary Model”, in Proceedings of EIBA Conference, Regional and National Divers of Business Location and Competitiveness, December 7-9, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2006.
“Are There Demonstration-Related Spillovers From FDI? Evidence From Switzerland”, with Philippe Gugler, in Proceedings of EIBA Conference, Regional and National Divers of Business Location and Competitiveness, December 7-9, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2006.
“Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Intra-Industry Spillovers: The Swiss Case” presented at the Doctoral Tutorial of EIBA Conference, Regional and National Divers of Business Location and Competitiveness, December 7-9, Fribourg, Switzerland, 2006.
“Institutions and Knowledge: an Evolutionary Model on Spillovers from Multinational Firms”, presented at the Workshop “Market, Institutions, and Innovation-Related Services”, June 28-29, University of Hamburg, 2006.
"The Study of Investment Movement Using Tobin’s q Model: Swiss Case 1948-1995", in proceedings of EcoMod International Conference, Policy Modeling, 28-30 June, Hong Kong, 2006.
“Multinational firms, Spillovers, and Productivity Growth: An Evolutionary Model”, in Proceedings of EcoMod International Conference, Regional and Urban Modeling, June 1-3, Brussels, 2006.