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Projets de recherche et publications

- William Droz, Hatem Ghorbel, Martin Hilpert, Magdalena Punceva and Mehdy Davary. Opinion profile construction from social media: A case of study of restaurant reviews. Poster presented in SwissText 2016 Conference, Winterthur, Switzerland
- Hatem Ghorbel. Feature-based Sentiment Analysis in Social Media. Tutorial presented in SwissText conference 2016, Winterthur Switzerland.

- Amine Bayoudhi, Hatem Ghorbel, Houssem Koubaa, Lamia Hadrich Belguith, Sentiment Classification at Discourse Segment Level: Experiments on multi-domain Arabic corpus, Journal for Language Technology and Computational Linguistics JLCL, Volume 30 (1), pp.1-25, 2015. ISNN 2190-6858. http://www.jlcl.org/2015_Heft1/1Bayoudhi.pdf  
- Amine Bayoudhi, Hatem Ghorbel, Lamia Hadrich Belguith. Sentiment Classification of Arabic Documents: Experiments with multi-type features and ensemble algorithms. In The 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation. Shanghai 2015
- Samira Ben Dbabis, Hatem Ghorbel, Lamia Hadrich Belguith, Mohamed Kallel. Automatic dialogue act annotation within Arabic debates. In the 14th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing’2015) April 2015- Cairo

- Amine Bayoudhi, Hatem Ghorbel, Lamia Hadrich Belguith. Question Focus extraction and answer passage retrieval: Case of opinion attitude questions. In the 11th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA' 2014). Doha, Qatar. November 10-13, 2014
- Amine Bayoudhi, Hatem Ghorbel, Lamia Hadrich Belguith. Focus Definition and Extraction of Opinion Attitude Questions. 9th International Conference on Application of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2014): 224-227A. Montpellier, France 2014.

- Amine Bayoudhi, Hatem Ghorbel and Lamia Belguith. Question Answering System for dialogues: a new taxonomy of opinion questions. In proceedings of in the 10th international conference on Flexible Query Answering System (FQAS), Spain (2013) 

- Hatem Ghorbel. Experiments in Cross-Lingual Sentiment Analysis in Discussion Forums. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo). Lausanne (2012)
- Samira Ben Dbabis, Fatma Mallek, Hatem Ghorbel, Lamia Belguith.  Dialogue Acts Annotation Scheme within Arabic discussions. In Proceedings of SemDial2012: The 16th workshop on semantics and pragmatics of dialogue Paris (2012)

- Hatem Ghorbel and David Jacot. Sentiment Analysis of French Movie Reviews. In Studies in Computational Intelligence - Advances in Distributed Agent-Based Retrieval Tools. Ed. Springer. Volume 361. Pages 97-108. (2011)
- Hatem Ghorbel and David Jacot. Further Experiments in Sentiment Analysis of French Movie Reviews. Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering – 3:  Proceedings of the 7th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, AWIC 2011, Fribourg, Switzerland. Ed. Springer. Volume 86/2011. Pages 19-28. (2011)

- Pallotta V., Seretan V., Ailomaa M., Ghorbel H. and Rajman M.. (2007) Towards an argumentative coding scheme for annotating meeting dialogue data. 10th International Conference of Pragmatics Association, IPrA, Göteborg, 8 - 14 July 2007

- Pallotta V., Seretan V., Ailomaa M., Ghorbel H., and Rajman M., (2006) Query types for Meeting Information Systems: assessing the role of argumentative structure in answering questions on meeting discussion records. Workshop on Modelling Meetings, Argumentation & Discourse (part of the COMMA 2006 conference), MMAD, University of Liverpool, 13 September 2006.

- Ghorbel H., Ailomaa A., and Rajman M.,. (2005) Answering natural language queries on spoken dialogs in meeting discussions. Presented at the 2nd joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (MLMI05), Edinburgh, UK, July 11-13, 2005.

- Pallotta V., Ghorbel H., Ruch P. and Coray G. (2004) An Argumentative Annotation Schema for Meeting Discussions. LREC'2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation), Lisbon, Portugal, vol.III, p.1003-1006
- Van der Plas L., Pallotta V., Rajman M. and Ghorbel H., (2004) Automatic Keyword Extraction from Spoken Text. A Comparison of Two Lexical Resources: EDR and WordNet. LREC'2004 (Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation), Lisbon, Portugal, vol.VI, p.2205-2208
- Pallotta V., Ghorbel H., Ballim A., Lisowska A., and Marchand-Maillet S., (2004) Towards Meeting Information Systems: Meeting Knowledge Management. Proceedings of ICEIS '04 (6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems), Porto, Portugal, April 14-17, p.464-469
- Ruch P., Chichester C., Cohen G., Coray G., Ehrler F., Ghorbel H., Müller H., Pallotta V., (2004) Report on the TREC 2003 Experiment: Genomic Track, TREC 2003

- Ghorbel H., Coray G., Collet O., (2003) L'alignement des documents médiévaux, Hermès Document Numérique, numéro spécial sur Numérisation et patrimoine. vol 7/3-4 pp.27-45, 2003

- Ghorbel H.. Coray G., Linden A., Collet O., Azzam W., (2002) L'alignement multicritères des documents médiévaux. Lexicometrica (revue électronique), N° Spécial "Corpus alignés".
- Ghorbel H., (2002) Alignement Multicritères des textes appliqué aux documents médiévaux: critères linguistiques et structurels, PhD thesis N°2609, School of Computer and Communication Sciences (I&C), Swiss Federal Institute of technology (EPFL), 2002, Lausanne
- Ghorbel H., Coray G. and Linden A., (2002) SAM: System for Multi-criteria alignment. In Proceedings of the third international conference on language resources and evaluation LREC 2002, Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain

- Ghorbel H., Ballim A. and Coray G., (2001) Rosetta: Rhetorical and semantic environment for text alignment. In Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics 2001, Editors: P. Rayson, A. Wilson, T. McEnery, A. Hardie & S. Khoja, pp: 224-233, March-April 2001, Lancaster

- Ballim A., Fatemi N., Ghorbel H., and Pallotta V., (2000) A knowledge-based approach to semi-automatic annotation of multimedia documents via user adaption. In proceedings of the First EAGLES/ISLE Workshop on Meta-Descriptions and Annotation Schemes for Multimodal/Multimedia Language Resources  LREC 2000 Pre-Conference Workshop, Editors: D. Broeder, H. Cunningham, N. Ide, D. Roy, H. Thompson, P. Wittenburg, pp: 76-79. May 29/30, 2000 Athens, Greece
- Ballim A., Ghorbel H., (2000) MEDIEVAL : A Navigation Tool through Medieval Documents, 5th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems NLDB'2000, Editors: M. Bouzeghoub, Z. Kedad & E. Métais, pp: 367-367, June 28-30 2000, Versailles - France
- Ghorbel H. and Pallotta V., (2000) A Weighted Robust Parsing Approach to Semantic Annotation, In proceedings of the ANLP-NAACL 2000, Student Workshop, editors: S. Byron & P. Vanderheyden, pp: 19-23, April 29-May 4, 2000, Seattle