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Mr. Hatem Ghorbel (PhD) is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences (HES-SO) at the Haute Ecole Arc Ingénierie since 2005. He is currently the head of Data Analytics Group (since 2015). He obtained his PhD thesis (2002) in the field of computer science at the Swiss Polytechnic Institute of Technology (EPFL). He has a strong academic experience in the field machine learning and data mining, and is a leader of several theoretical and applied research projects, mainly financed by the CTI, with the collaboration of Swiss firms. As academic activities, he shared the supervision of three PhD students in the field of recommendation systems, information retrieval, sentiment analysis, social media and text/data mining. His current research interests are predictive analytics, machine learning, data mining, process mining, knowledge representation and discovery, and human-machine interaction. He is the author of more than 25 scientific articles.

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