People HE-Arc > Retour au formulaire de recherche

Projets de recherche et publications

  1. RIZZOTTI, Aïcha, JEANNERET, Loïck, STUDER, Brendan, et al. Platform-agnostic digital twins for safer human-robot collaboration. Advances in robotics and automatic control, 2024.
  2. Nabil Ouerhani et al. L'usine du futur : Digital - Dark - Adaptive - Creative, Georg Éditeur, 2024
  3. Xavier Comtesse, Nabil Ouerhani, Dans l’horlogerie aussi, l’usine du futur passe par un changement de paradigme, Agefi, Septembre 2024
  4. Xavier Comtesse, Nabil Ouerhani, Le futur de l’usine ou la «dark factory» en point de mire, Agefi, Février 2024
  5. Xavier Comtesse, Nabil Ouerhani, Quel visage aura l’usine de demain? Agefi, Janvier 2024

  1. Aïcha Rizzotti, Loïck Jeanneret, Brendan Studer, Javier Bracamonte, Nabil OuerhaniMarc Kunze, Learning from demonstration and safe cobotics using digital twins; Sensors transducers journal,  2023, vol. 261, no. 2, pp. 25-32

  1. Nabil Ouerhani , Bernard Loehr , Aïcha Rizzotti-Kaddouri , Dylan Santo de Pinho , Adrien Limat , Philippe Schinderholz, ata-driven thermal deviation prediction in turning machine-tool : Article scientifiqueArODES a comparative analysis of machine learning algorithms, 3rd International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, 2022
  2. Nabil Ouerhani, L’agilité, une révolution dans la production industrielle, Conférence "petit déjeuner vitaminé" canton du Jura, Delémont, Switzerland
  3. Nabil Ouerhani, Robot, Automation and Process control - state of technology and challenges, Swiss Advanced Manufacturing Summer Events (SAMCE), ETH Zurich, 2022

  1. Nabil Ouerhani, Samuel Fricker, Daten & Intelligenz, F&E-KONFERENZ ZU INDUSTRIE 4.0, 12.04.2021 - 12.04.2021, Brugg, Switzerland
  2. Nabil Ouerhani, IoT-enabled solution for dynamic street light control and management, IoT Week, 12.04.2021 - 09.06.2017, Geneva, Switzerland
  3. Aïcha Rizzotti-Kaddouri , Marc Kunze , Loïc Jeanneret , Luc Depierraz , Nabil Ouerhani, Learning from demonstration for collaborative robots, Proceedings of the 1st IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0 (ARCI’ 2021)
  4. N. Ouerhani, B. Loehr,A. Rizzotti, A. Limat, D. Santos De Pinho, Ph. Schindelholz , Tool Position Measurement Methods for Data-Driven Thermal Error Compensation in  High Precision Turning Machine-Tools,  International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2021), Amsterdam, 2021
  5. Nabil Ouerhani, Innovation & Talents: Two competitive pillars for the Swiss industry, Swiss Innovation Forum, Brno, Czeck Rebublic, 2021

  1. Miguel de Prado, Jing Su, Rabia Saeed, Lorenzo Keller, Noelia Vallez, Andrew Anderson, David Gregg, Luca Benini, Tim Llewellynn, Nabil Ouerhani, Rozenn Dahyot and, Nuria Pazos,  Bonseyes AI Pipeline - bringing AI to you: End-to-end integration of data, algorithms and deployment tools, ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (In Press)
  2. Aicha Rizzotti, Nabil Ouerhani, Patrick Haas, TherMoMac – Data-Driven Thermal Behavior Modelling of Machine-Tools,  F&E-KONFERENZ ZU INDUSTRIE 4.0, ETH Zurich, January 2020
  3. Nabil Ouerhani, Claude Jeannerat,  Philippe Grize, MiLL – Micro Lean Lab, F&E-KONFERENZ ZU INDUSTRIE 4.0, ETH Zurich, January 2020
  4. N. Ouerhani, A. Rizzotti, Bernard Loehr, D. Santos De Pinho, Ph. Schindelholz, Cyber-Physical System for Data-Driven Modelling and Prediction of Thermal Deviation in Turning Machine-Tools, 4th International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2020), 2020 (In Press)
  5. D. Santos De Pinho, A. Gay De Combes, M. Steuhlet, C. Jeannerat, N. Ouerhani, Multi-Agent System based solution for operating agile and customizable micro-manufacturing systems, 4th International Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2020), 2020 (In Press)

  1. L. Moor, L. Bitter, M. De Prado, N. Pazos and N. Ouerhani, IoT meets distributed AI - Deployment scenarios of Bonseyes AI applications on FIWARE, 38th IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, London, 2019 (in press)
  2. D. Santos De Pinho, P. Neuenschwander, N. Ouerhani, Process Parameters Optimization for Energy Efficiency in Swiss-Type MachiningInternational Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2019), Amsterdam, 2019 (in press)
  3. A. Gay Des Combes, P. Muller, P. Neuenschwander, N. Pazos, N. Ouerhani, WirelessHART-based Sensor Network  for Multichannel Measurement of machine-tool Energy Consumption in Production EnvironmentsInternational Conference on Industrial Automation, Robotics and Control Engineering (IARCE 2019), Amsterdam, 2019 (in press)
  4. N. Ouerhani, Internet of Things enables street light optimization,  2nd HES-SO / INARTIS Conference, Geneva, 2019 (Poster)
  5. N. Ouerhani, Digital Manufacturing, BusinessIn Event, Neuchâtel, 2019 (invited speaker)

  1. Samuel Fricker, Nabil Ouerhani, Daten & Intelligenz, F&E-KONFERENZ ZU INDUSTRIE 4.0, Brugg, January 2018
  2. Maria Sisto, Mohsen Zare, Nabil Ouerhani, Christophe Bolinhas, Margaux Divernois, Bernard Mignot, Jean-Claude Sagot, Stéphane Gobron, Virtual Reality Serious Game for Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention, 5th International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics, 2018
  3. Maria Sisto, Mohsen Zare, Nabil Ouerhani, Jean-Claude Sagot, Stéphane Gobron, Virtual Reality Puzzle Game for Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention, 3rd Gamification and Serious Game Symposium, July 2018
  4. Lucien Moor, Nabil Ouerhani, Seamless integration of coarse and fine movements for fluid interaction in Serious Games,  3rd Gamification and Serious Game Symposium, July 2018
  5. Margaux Divernois, Nabil Ouerhani, Real-Time sensing for RULA implementation in a Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention   Serious Game,  3rd Gamification and Serious Game Symposium, July 2018
  6. Nabil Ouerhani, Application Performance Management for Business Critical, Distributed Services, 17th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, June 2018 (invited talk)

  1. N. Ouerhani, S. Carola, M. Del Prado, L. Bitter, L. Moor, F. Tièche, N. Pazos, Hybrid and Flexible Computing Architectures for Deep Learning Systems, Zoom Innovation on Consumer Electronics (ZINC), Novi Sad, Serbia, May 2017 (Keynote)
  2. N. Ouerhani, IoT-enabled solution for dynamic street light control and management, IoT Week, Geneva, June 2017 (invited talk)
  3. M.S. Rad, A. von Kaenel, A. Droux, F. Tièche, N. Ouerhani, J.Ph. Thira, A Computer Vision System to Localize and Classify Wastes on the Streets, International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, 2017
  4. Sisto M., Wenk W., Ouerhani N., Gobron S. "A study of transitional virtual environments", book chapter of Augmented and Virtual Reality, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (in press), 2017.
  5. M. Divernois, J-B. Rossel, S. Beurret, N. Ouerhani, IoT Games for hybrid gamer interaction, Gamification & Serious Games Symposium 2017 (Poster)
  6. L. Moor, A. Tissot, F. Tièche, Y. Juillerat, N. Ouerhani, Peter Pan Gamified, Gamification & Serious Games Symposium 2017 (Poster)

  1. N. Ouerhani, Serious Games and Internet of Things, Gamification and Serious Game  Symposium, Neuchâtel, 2016 (Podium discussion)
  2. N. Ouerhani, Stéphane Gobron, Right place, right time for gamification, Gamification and Serious Game  Symposium, Neuchâtel, 2016
  3. F. Carrino, E. Mugellini, O. Abou Khaled, N. Ouerhani and J. Ehrensberger, iNUIT: Internet of Things for Urban Innovation, Future Internet Journal 2016
  4. N. Ouerhani, N. Pazos, M. Aeberli, M. Muller, IoT-Based Dynamic Street Light Control for Smart Cities Use Cases, 3rd International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC), 2016
  5. N. Pazos, M. Müller, M. Favre-Bulle, K. Brandt-Dit-Grieurin, O. Hüsser, M. Aeberli, N. Ouerhani, Dynamic Street-Parking Optimisation, 30th IEEE International Conference on  Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), March 2016

  1. N. Pazos, N. Ouerhani, M. Muller, M. Aeberli, ConnectOpen - Automatic Integration of IoT Devices, IEEE 2nd World Forum on Internet of Things WF-IoT, Milan, Italy, December 2015
  2. N. Ouerhani, N. Pazos, M. Aeberli, J. Senn, S. Gobron, Dynamic Street Light Management - Towards a citizen centered approach, 3rd Int. Conference on Hybrid City, Athens, September 2015
  3. N. Ouerhani, N. Pazos, M. Punceva, M. Aeberli, J. Senn, Plates-formes IoT flexibles avec intégration automatique des objets - Concepts, réalisations et applications. Article Electrosuisse, Juillet 2015 (http://www.bulletin-online.ch/de/themen/informationstechnik/artikel-detailansicht/news/13491-plates-formes-iot-flexibles-avec-integration-automatique-des-objets.html )
  4. N. Ouerhani, Internet des Objets au service d'une gestion intelligente des infrastructures publiques, International Workshop on Smart Cities, Agadir, Maroc, Juin 2015 (invited talk)

Publications / Présentations
  1. Nabil Ouerhani; Nuria Pazos, Marco Aeberli; Julien Senn, Internet des Objets au service d'une gestion intelligente des infrastructures publiques,  Atelier INTERREG (InnovArc) Smart Cities, Saignelégier, Octobre 2014 (Poster)
  2. Nabil Ouerhani; Nuria Pazos, Marco Aeberli; Julien Senn , Plateforme IoT flexible et configurable: Vers une intégration automatisée de dispositifs communicants, in Journée des capteurs connectés, Yverdon-les-bains, Novombre 2014 (Présentation)
  3. Frédéric Baetscher, Nabil Ouerhani, Modules d’intelligence artificielle pour améliorer les solutions existantes d’optimisation de l’éclairage public,  Atelier INTERREG (InnovArc) Smart Cities, Saignelégier, Octobre 2014 (Présentation)
  1. Optimisation de l'éclairage public pour le Smart City; projet thématique HES-SO (I1)
  2. ErgoCrowd: Crowd-Sourcing au service de l’amélioration de l’Ergonomie des Interfaces Homme Machine en se basant sur des solutions « cloud » combinant des méthodes empiriques et analytiques; Projet interdisciplinaire HES-SO (I2)

  1. ConnectOpen - Intergiciel (Middleware) open source pour le déploiement rapide d'applications Machine-To-Machine (M2M) et Internet des Objets (IoT) à l’aide d’agents de communication génériques; projet CTI

  1. M. Hanin, M. Lermann, and N. Ouerhani. Introducing a Proven Measurement-Based Performance Engineering Approach for the Whole Application Lifecycle. Berliner Schriften zu modernen Integrationsarchitekturen, Shaker  Verlag, Aachen, 2010

  1. N. Ouerhani. Lifecycle performance engineering: A case study. Invited talk at Swiss Computer Associates (CA) day, Baden Switzerland, 04.10.2007.
  2. N. Ouerhani. Performance assurance for critical banking applications. Invited talk at Testing and Finances Workshop, Bonn, Germany, 04.10.2007.

  1. N. Ouerhani, and M. Hanin. From Performance Requirements to Service Level Reports. Workshop at the IIR IT Performance Management Forum, Düsseldorf, 2006.
  2. N. Ouerhani, T. Jost, A. Bur, and H. Hugli. Cue normalisation schemes in saliency-based visual attention models. Proc. Second International Cognitive Vision Workshop, Graz (A), 2006.
  3. A. Bur, N. Ouerhani, H. Hugli, A. Tapus, and R. Siegwart. Visual attention-based navigation using panoramic vision. Proc. of International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2006.
  4. N. Ouerhani, A. Bur, and H. Hugli. Linear vs. nonlinear feature combination for saliency computation: A comparison with human vision. Pattern Recognition, Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 4174, Springer Verlag, 2006.

  1. R. von Wartburg, N. Ouerhani, T. Pugshaupt, T. Nyffeler, H. Hugli, and R. Müri. The influence of colour on oculomotor behaviour during image perception. Neuroreport. Vol. 16 pp. 1557-1560, 2005.
  2. T. Jost, N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, R. Müri, and H. Hugli. Assessing the contribution of color in visual attention. International Journal of Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU), Vol. 100, pp. 107-123, 2005.
  3. T. Jost, N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, R. Müri, and H. Hugli. Contribution of depth to visual attention: comparison of a computer model and human. IOP, 2005
  4. N. Ouerhani, A. Bur, and H. Hugli. Visual attention-based robot self-localization. European Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR 2005), September 7-10, 2005, Ancona, Italy, pp. 8-13, 2005.
  5. N. Ouerhani and H. Hugli. Robot self-localization using visual attention. in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA 2005), Espoo, Finland, 2005.
  6. H. Hugli, T. Jost, and N. Ouerhani. Model performance for visual attention in real 3D color scenes. international work-conference on the interplay between natural and arti_cial computation (IWINAC 2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, LNCS 3562, pp. 469-478, 2005., 2005.
  7. N. Ouerhani, H. Hugli, G. Gruener, and A. Codourey. A visual attention-based approach for automatic landmark selection and recognition. Attention and Performance in Computational Vision: Second International Workshop, WAPCV 2004, Prague, Czech Republic, May 15, 2004, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, LNCS 3368, pp. 183-195, 2005.
  8. N. Ouerhani, H. Hugli, G. Gruener, and A. Codourey. AttentiRobot: Attentive vision for robot self-localization. CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2004, 2005.

  1. N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, H. Hugli, and R. Muri. Empirical validation of the saliencybased model of visual attention. Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis (ELCVIA), Vol. 3 (1), pp. 13-24, 2004.
  2. T. Jost, N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, R. Muri, and H. Hugli. Contribution of depth to visual attention: comparison of a computer model and human. Early cognitive vision workshop, Isle of Skye, Scotland, 28.5. - 1.6, 2004.
  3. N. Ouerhani, H. Hugli, G. Gruener, and A. Codourey. AttentiRobot: A visual attention-based landmark selection approach for mobile robot navigation. International Workshop on Attention and Performance in Computational Vision (WAPCV 04), pp. 83-89, 2004.
  4. N. Ouerhani, O. Corbat, and H. Hugli. D_etection et reconnaissance automatique de signaux routiers (in french). In Proc. Research Day NAV, Capteurs de Navigation, Lausanne, Suisse, 2004.
  5. N. Ouerhani, R. von Wartburg, R. Müri, and H. Hugli. Empirical validation of the K&U model of visual attention. Poster at Neuroscience Swiss Society for Behavioural Neurology, 17.01.2004, Lausanne, Switzerland,, 2004.
  6. N. Ouerhani, H. Hugli, G. Gruener, and A. Codourey. AttentiRobot: Attentive vision for landmark detection and tracking. CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2003, 2004.

  1. N. Ouerhani and H. Hugli. Real-time visual attention on a massively parallel SIMD architecture. International Journal of Real Time Imaging, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 189-196, 2003.
  2. N. Ouerhani and H. Hugli. A model of dynamic visual attention for object tracking in natural image sequences. International Conference on Arti_cial and Natural Neural Network (IWANN), Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 2686, pp. 702-709, 2003.
  3. N. Ouerhani and H. Hugli. MAPS: Multiscale attention-based presegmentation of color images. 4th International Conference on Scale-Space theories in Computer Vision, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 2695, pp. 537-549, 2003.

  1. N. Ouerhani, N. Archip, H. Hugli, and P. J. Erard. A color image segmentation method based on seeded region growing and visual attention. International Journal of Image Processing and Communication, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 3-11, 2002.
  2. N. Ouerhani, H. Hugli, P.Y. Burgi, and P.F. Ruedi. A real time implementation of visual attention on a SIMD architecture. DAGM 2002, Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 2449, pp. 282-289, 2002.
  3. R. von Wartburg, N. Ouerhani, R. Müri, H. Hugli, and C.W. Hess. Methods for the empirical validation of a computational model of visual attention. Poster at Day of Clinical research: Department of clinical research, University Hospital of Bern, 2002.
  4. N. Ouerhani and H. Hugli. Visual attention: from bio-inspired modeling to real-time implementation. Poster presented at atelier du Laboratoire Europen Associ (LEA) Arc et Senans, France, 29-31 October 2002, 2002.
  5. R. von Wartburg, N. Ouerhani, R. Müri, H. Hugli, and C.W. Hess. Methods for the empirical validation of a computational model of visual attention. Joint Meeting: Swiss Society for Neuroscience (SSN) and Swiss Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (SSPP), 2002.
  6. H. Hugli, N. Ouerhani, P.Y. Burgi, and P.F. Ruedi. Real time visual attention on ProtoEye. CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2001, March 2002.

  1. N. Ouerhani, J. Bracamonte, H. Hugli, M. Ansorge, and F. Pellandini. Adaptive color image compression based on visual attention. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'01), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 416-421, 2001.
  2. N. Ouerhani, N. Archip, H. Hugli, and P. J. Erard. Visual attention guided seed selection for color image segmentation. International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'01), Springer Verlag, LNCS 2124, pp. 630-637, 2001.
  3. H. Hugli, N. Ouerhani, and P.Y. Burgi. Multicue visual attention. CSEM Scientific and Technical Report 2000, 2001.

  1. N. Ouerhani and H. Hugli. Computing visual attention from scene depth. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'00), IEEE Computer Society Press, Vol. 1, pp. 375-378, 2000.