Piergiovanni S, Terrier P. Validity of linear and nonlinear measures of gait variability to characterize aging gait with a single low back accelerometer.Sensors 2024 24(23), 7427.
Piergiovanni S, Terrier P. Effects of metronome walking on long‑term attractor divergence and correlation structure of gait: a validation study in older people. Scientific reports 2024, 14: 15784.
Pedrotti M, Stanek, M, Gelin L, Terrier P. Head-mounted eye tracker videos and raw data collected during breathing recognition attempts in simulated cardiac arrest. Data in Brief2024:110530.
Pedrotti M, Stanek M, Gelin L, Terrier P. Replication Study of “Visual Fixation on the Thorax Predicts Bystander Breathing Detection in Simulated Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest”. International Journal of First Aid Education 2024, 7(1): 1–12.
Torrent J, Gigonzac M, Terrier P. "Walking Buddies" for Better Health: Intergenerational Walking Partnerships to Improve Mobility and Well-being. 10th International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Congress, October 2024, Paris, France. Poster.
Terrier P. Prévenir les Chutes chez les Seniors : Avancées Scientifiques et Interventions Pratiques. Journée Qualité Ateliers CURACASA, Novembre 2024, Lausanne. Keynote speaker.
Terrier P. From stability to complexity: A systematic review protocol on long-term divergence exponents in gait analysis. PREPRINT. medRxiv 2024.12.02.24318001
Piergiovanni S, Terrier P. Validity of linear and nonlinear measures of gait variability to characterize aging gait with a single low back accelerometer. PREPRINT (version 2). Research Square 2024
Arm-in-arm gait training to enhance walking abilities in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease: a feasibility study. Non-university-based research 2024.PARKINSON Schweiz.
Terrier, P. (Guest Ed.) .Sensors for Unsupervised Mobility Assessment and Rehabilitation. Special Issue, Sensors (MDPI) 2024-2025.
Gigonzac M, Terrier P. Restoring walking ability in older adults with arm-in-arm gait training: study protocol for the AAGaTT randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatrics2023, 23:542.
Pedrotti M, de Chambrier AF, Ruggeri P, Dewi J, Atzemian M, Thevenot C, Martinet C, Terrier P. Raw eye tracking data of healthy adults reading aloud words, pseudowords and numerals. Data in Brief 2023, 49.
de Chambrier AF, Pedrotti M, Ruggeri P, Dewi J, Atzemian M, Thevenot C, Martinet C, Terrier P. Reading numbers is harder than reading words: An eye-tracking study.Acta Psychologica 2023, 237:103942.
Piergiovanni S, Terrier P. Comparing the effects of metronome walking on long-term attractor divergence of gait dynamics and on correlation structure of stride intervals: a validation study in older people, 06 December 2023, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-3696565/v1]
Sensitivity of attractor complexity index to attentional cost of walking: a systematic review of nonlinear gait analysis studies. ACIDS (Attractor Complexity Index Document Search) . Fonds recherche et impulsion, commission scientifique HES-SO.
Perentes JY, Christodoulou M, Abdelnour-Berchtold E, Karenovics W, Gayet-Ageron A, Gonzalez M, Krueger T, Triponez F, Terrier P, Bédat B.. Effectiveness of rib fixation compared to pain medication alone on pain control in patients with uncomplicated rib fractures: study protocol of a pragmatic multicenter randomized controlled trial-the PAROS study (Pain After Rib OSteosynthesis).Trials. 2022;23:732.
Terrier P, Piergiovanni S. A novel method to assess correlation structure among stride intervals using a low-back accelerometer: a validation study in older adults. Annual meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC), Sep. 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Poster. Gait & Posture, 97, Supplement 1, 2022, S161-S162.
Piergiovanni S, Terrier P. Reliability of a novel method to assess correlation structure among consecutive stride intervals using a low-back accelerometer: a test-retest study. Annual meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC), Sep. 2022, Dublin, Ireland. Poster. Gait & Posture, 97, Supplement 1, 2022, S154-S155.
Helping older people recover walking abilities through arm-in-arm gait training: a randomized controlled trial. Arm-in-Arm Gait Training Trial. AAGaTT. Practice-to-science, Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.
Pedrotti, M., Terrier, P., Gelin, L., Stanek, M., & Schirlin, O. Visual Fixation on the Thorax Predicts Bystander Breathing Detection in Simulated Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest, but Video Debriefing With Eye Tracking Gaze Overlay Does Not Enhance Postallocation Success Rate: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Simulation in healthcare: journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. Published ahead of print.
Terrier, P, Piotton, S, Punt, IM, Ziltener, JL, Allet, L. . Predictive Factors of Recovery after an Acute Lateral Ankle Sprain: A Longitudinal Study.Sports, 9(3), 41.
Nonlinear analysis of gait acceleration signals for assessing cautious gait patterns in daily life. ACIER (Attractor Complexity Index Empirical Rationalization) . Fonds recherche et impulsion, commission scientifique HES-SO.
Terrier P. Gait complexity assessed by detrended fluctuation analysis is sensitive to inconsistencies in stride time series: A modeling study. ArXiv:2008.06367.
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Ferrari S, Gold G, Trombetti A, Terrier P, Hilfiker R, Allet L. The role of hip abductor strength to identify older persons at risk of falls. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 15:645-654
Terrier P. Gait Recognition via Deep Learning of the Center-of-Pressure Trajectory.Applied Sciences. 10 (2020) 774.
Terrier P. Complexity of human walking: the attractor complexity index is sensitive to gait synchronization with visual and auditory cues. PeerJ7:e7417
Dayer CF, Luthi F, Le Carré J, Vuistiner P, Terrier P, Benaïm C, Giacobino JP, Léger B. Difference in miRNA signature in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pains of neuropathic or nociceptive origins.PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219311.
Terrier P, Praz C, Le Carré J, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F. Influencing walking behavior can increase the physical activity of patients with chronic pain hospitalized for multidisciplinary rehabilitation: An observational study.BMC Musculoskeletal disorder 2019, 20:188
Rogan S, Taeymans J, Bangerter C, Simon S, Terrier P, Hilfiker R. Influence of single and dual tasks on gait stability and gait speed in the elderly: An explorative study. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie 2019, 52(1):23-27
Reynard F, Christe D, Terrier P. Postural control in healthy adults: determinants of trunk sway assessed with a chest-worn accelerometer in 12 quiet standing tasks.PLoS ONE 2019, 14(1): e0211051.
Terrier P, Gafner S, Allet L. Risque de chute chez les personnes âgées : comment prévenir ? comment intervenir. 3ème Journée de la Recherche du domaine Santé de la HES-SO, Nov. 2019, Neuchâtel. Poster commenté
Terrier P. Gait recognition via deep learning of the center-of-pressure trajectory: A proof-of-concept study for biometric applications. Applied Machine Learning Days 2019, EPFL, Switzerland. Poster
Reha Rheinfelden Forschungspreis 2019 Gafner, S. C., Bastiaenen, C. H., Ferrari, S., Gold, G., Terrier, P., Hilfiker, R., & Allet, L. Hip muscle and hand-grip strength to differentiate between older fallers and non-fallers: a cross-sectional validity study. "Depuis 2012, Reha Rheinfelden décerne chaque année un prix de la recherche. Il vise à promouvoir et à honorer la recherche dans les professions thérapeutiques (ergothérapie, thérapie créative, orthophonie, physiothérapie). Le prix est décerné à des projets de recherche de niveau master ou supérieur."
Terrier P, Reynard F. Maximum Lyapunov exponent revisited: Long-term attractor divergence of gait dynamics is highly sensitive to the noise structure of stride intervals. Gait & Posture 2018, 66: 236-241
Bruyneel AV, Gafner S, Ferrari S, Gold G, Monnin D, Terrier P, Bastiaenen C, Allet L. Intra-rater reliability of hip abductor isometric strength testing in a standing position in older fallers and non-fallers.European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2018, 15:9.
Praz C, Ducki J, Connaissa ML, Terrier P, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F. Working Together and Being Physically Active Are Not Enough to Advise Uniformly and Adequately Low Back Pain Patients:A Cross-Sectional Study. Pain Research and Management 2018: 4128913.
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Hilfiker R, Allet L. Hip muscle and hand-grip strength to differentiate between older fallers and non-fallers: a cross-sectional validity study.Clinical Interventions in Aging 2018, 13:1.
Terrier P, Praz C, Le Carré J, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F. Pain interference with physical functioning is associated with physical activity level in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. 12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress, July 2018, Paris, France. Oral communication.
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Hilfiker R, Allet L. The diagnostic accuracy of hip abductor strength in the fall risk of older persons. 12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress, July 2018, Paris, France. Poster (debated)
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Hilfiker R, Allet L. Hip abductors—A relevant muscle group to discriminate between fallers and non-fallers? 12th International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress, July 2018, Paris, France. Poster
IEEE Senior member grade "Only 8% of the IEEE's approximately 433,000 membres holds this grade, which requires extensive experience, and reflects professinal maturity and documented achievements of significance"
Reynard F, Terrier P. Determinants of gait stability while walking on a treadmill: A machine learning approach. Journal of Biomechanics 2017, 65:212.
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Terrier P, Punt I, Ferrari S, Gold G, Allet L. Evaluation of hip abductor and adductor strength in the elderly: a reliability study. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. 2017, 14:5.
Terrier P. Life is locomotion.BSRT Symposium, Nov. 2017, Charité Hospital Berlin. Keynote speaker.
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Hilfiker R, Allet L. Valeur diagnostique de la force des muscles de la hanche et de la force de préhension au regard de la chute des personnes âgées. 1er congrès de coopération RehaSchweiz-PhysioSwiss, Oct. 2017, Davos, Switzerland.
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Terrier P, Punt I, Ferrari S, Gold G, de Bie R, Allet L. Évaluation de la force des muscles abducteurs et adducteurs de la hanche chez les personnes âgées : étude de fiabilité. 1er congrès de coopération RehaSchweiz-PhysioSwiss, Oct. 2017, Davos, Switzerland.
Terrier P, Jordan X, Vuadens P, Rossano C. Helping stroke survivors recover walking abilities through augmented reality gait training during early rehabilitation: First insight into the GASPAR trial.European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation, Oct. 2017 Lausanne, Swizterland. Poster.
Bruyneel AV, Gafner S, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Bastiaenen C, Allet L. Intra-rater reliability of hip abductor isometric strength assessment in older fallers and non-fallers. 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy, France. Poster.
Burrus C, Terrier P, Le Carré J, Léger B, Luthi F. Association between perceived walking impairment and real-life gait measures in patients with chronic pain of lower limbs. 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy, France. Oral communication.
Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Favre C, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Léger B. Douleurs chroniques musculo-squelettiques, comportements et réadaptation: qu'avons-nous appris ? 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy, France. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Reynard F.Importance of vision for minimizing postural sway evidenced through a battery of simple standing balance tasks and a chest-worn accelerometer. 26th annual meeting of the European Society for Movement Analysis in Adults and Children (ESMAC), Sep. 2017, Trondheim, Norway. Poster.
Terrier P.Niveau d’activité physique des patients hospitalisés pour des douleurs musculosquelettiques. 5e journée Valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2017. Oral communication
Publons Peer Review Awards 2017 "Publons peer review awards honour the elite contributions to scholarly peer review and editorial pursuits internationally. Recipients have demonstrated an outstanding expert commitment to protecting the integrity and accuracy of published research in their field."
Terrier P. Fractal Fluctuations in Human Walking: Comparison between Auditory and Visually Guided Stepping.Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016, 44(9): 2785-2793.
Rossano C, Terrier P. Visually-guided gait training in paretic patients during the first rehabilitation phase: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial.Trials. 2016;17
Terrier P. Ambulatory monitoring of gait quality with wearable inertial sensors. Digital Health 2016 – Early Diagnosis & Prevention – 1. Electronic sensors for health monitoring, Jun. 2016, Genève. Invited speaker.
Terrier P, Le Carré J, Léger B, Luthi F. Physical activity level in inpatients with chronic musculoskeletal pain during multidisciplinary rehabilitation. Congress of the European College of Sport Science, 2016, Vienna, Austria. Poster (debated).
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Punt I, Gold G, Ferrari S, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Allet L. Can frontal plane hip strength reliably be measured in elderly patients at risk of falls? Swiss physio-congress 2016.
Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Punt I, Gold G, Ferrari S, Hilfiker R, Monnin D, Terrier P, Allet L. Does frontal plane hip strength differentiate between elderly patients classified as fallers and non-fallers?Swiss physio-congress 2016.
Terrier P. Douleur chronique et mobilité : associations entre vitesse, qualité de marche et douleur. 4e journée Valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation Apr. 2016. Oral communication
Reynard F, Terrier P. Role of visual input in the control of dynamic balance: variability and instability of gait in treadmill walking while blindfolded. Experimental Brain Research 2015, 233(4):1031-1040.
Terrier P, Reynard F. Effect of age on the variability and stability of gait: a cross-sectional treadmill study in healthy individuals between 20 and 69 years of age. Gait and Posture 2015, 41(1):170-174
Connaissa ML, Ducki J, Vuistiner P, Luthi F, Léger B, Terrier P. Walking activity of the medical staff in the Clinique romande de réadaptatio n. Congrès Suisse de médecine du sport, Oct. 2015, Tenero, Switzerland. Poster.
Fournier PE, Duc M, Crettenand A, Terrier P, Léger B. Body parameters and level of physical fitness of Swiss border guards. Congrès Suisse de médecine du sport, Oct. 2015, Tenero, Switzerland. Poster
Fournier PE, Duc M, Crettenand A, Terrier P, Léger B. Health status, sport practice of Swiss border guards Congrès Suisse de médecine du sport, Oct. 2015, Tenero, Switzerland. Poster.
Burrus C, Luthi F, Léger B, Favre C, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Vuistiner P. Patterns d’activité chez les patients avec des douleurs chroniques après un traumatisme orthopédique. SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
Burrus C, Ducki J, Connaissa ML, Léger B, Terrier P, Vuistiner P, Luthi F. L’influence de différents facteurs chez les thérapeutes dans l’application des recommandations pour des lombalgies chroniques. SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France. Oral communication.
Luthi F, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Vuistiner P, Léger B. Epigenetic modifications in patients with musculoskeletal injury; a pilot study. 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC), Sep. 2015, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
Luthi F, Léger B, Favre C, Hilfiker H, Terrier P, Vuistiner P. Activity patterns among patients with chronic pain after orthopaedic trauma. 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC), Sep. 2015, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
Terrier P, Bruijn S, Wu C, Stergiou N, , Ihlen E. Advanced measures of gait; why, and how, should we (not?) calculate them? World congress of the International Society for Posture & Gait Research, Research symposium, Jun. 2015 Sevilla, Spain. Oral communication, invited speaker.
Terrier P. Gait laboratory at home: ambulatory monitoring of walking ability.9th world congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, National session Switzerland, June 2015, Berlin, Germany. Oral communication.
Terrier P.L’analyse du mouvement se rend à domicile: évaluation de la qualité de la marche en condition de vie réelle chez des patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques.3e journée valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation Apr. 2015. Oral communication.
Reynard F, Vuadens P, Dériaz O, Terrier P. Could Local Dynamic Stability Serve as an Early Predictor of Falls in Patients with Moderate Neurological Gait Disorders? A Reliability and Comparison Study in Healthy Individuals and in Patients with Paresis of the Lower Extremities. PloS one 2014, 9(6): e100550.
Reynard F, Terrier P. Local dynamic stability of treadmill walking: intrasession and week-to-week repeatability. Journal of Biomechanics 2014, 47(1): 74-80.
Terrier P, Reynard F. To what extent does not wearing shoes affect the local dynamic stability of gait? Effect size and intra-session repeatability. Journal of applied biomechanics 2014, 30 (2), 305-309.
Loeffel T, Vuistiner P, Terrier P, Favre C, Hilfiker R, Léger B, Le Carré J, Dériaz O, Luthi F. STRATEGIES COMPORTEMENTALES ET DOULEUR CHRONIQUE APRES UN TRAUMATISME DE L’APPAREIL LOCOMOTEUR. Congrès annuel de la société suisse pour l’étude de la douleur SSED Nov. 2014, Interlaken, Switzerland. Poster.
Terrier P. Sensorimotor integration in human locomotion: step adjustments to auditory or visual cues similarly alter serial correlation among consecutive gait cycles.EuroMOV, Université Montpellier 1, France, internal seminar.Invited speaker.
Mittaz Hager AG, Terrier P. „Bien assis? L‘équilibre chez les paraplégiques en chaise roulante: comment l‘évaluer et l‘entraîner. 2e journée valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2014. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Dériaz O. Nonlinear dynamics of human locomotion: effects of rhythmic auditory cueing on local dynamic stability.Frontiers in Physiology, 2013, 4:230.
Hilfiker R, Vaney C,Gattlen B, Meichtry A, Dériaz O, Lugon-Moulin V, Anchisi-Bellwald AM, Palaci C, Foinant D, Terrier P. Local Dynamic Stability as a responsive index for the evaluation of rehabilitation effect on fall risk in patients with multiple sclerosis.A Longitudinal Study. BMC Research Notes 2013, 6 (1): 260.
Terrier P, Luthi F, Dériaz O. Do orthopaedic shoes improve local dynamic stability of gait? An observational study in patients with chronic foot and ankle injuries. BMC Musculoskeletal disorders 2013, 14:9
Terrier P, Dériaz O, Reynard F. Role of vision in gait stabilization: local dynamic stability in treadmill walking while blindfolded. XXIst World Congress of Neurology, September 2013, Vienna, Austria. Poster.
Hilfiker R, Terrier P.Tombera, tombera pas? Risque de chute et sclérose en plaque.1ère journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, Sion, Feb. 2013. Oral communication.
Terrier P. Step-to-step variability in treadmill walking: influence of rhythmic auditory cueing. PloS one 2012, 7 (10): e47171.
Terrier P, Dériaz O. Persistent and anti-persistent pattern in stride-to-stride variability of treadmill walking: influence of rhythmic auditory cueing.Human Movement Science 2012, 31(6):1585-97.
Reynard F, Terrier P, Vuadens P, Dériaz O. Gait stability in paretic patients and its association with tone and strength of the lower limbs.27econgrès de medicine physique et réadaptation SOFMER, Oct 2012 Toulouse, France. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Dériaz O. Effect of rhythmic auditory cueing on gait dynamics in healthy individuals. 16th Congress of the European Federation of Neurological Societies (9-11 September 2012) Stockholm, Sweden. Poster.
Hilfiker R, Vaney C, Gattlen B, André M, Lugon-Moulin V, Anchisi-Bellwald A, Palaci C, Foinant D, Deriaz O, Terrier P. Der Lyapunov-Exponent als responsiver Index der Stabilität während des Gehens bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose. Swiss Congress for Health Professions, May 2012, Winterthur. Oral communication.
Hilfiker R, Vaney C, Gattlen B, Meichtry A, Lugon-Moulin V, Anchisi-Bellwald A, Palaci C, Foinant D, Deriaz O, Terrier P. Der Lyapunov-Exponent als responsiver Index der Stabilität während des Gehens bei Patienten mit Multipler Sklerose. CongrèsPhysioswiss, May 2012, Genève. Poster.
Terrier P. Profil de la marche sur tapis roulant avec stimulation auditive sur une population saine. Journée scientifique IRR Feb. 2012.Oral communication
Terrier P, Dériaz O. Kinematic variability, fractal dynamics and local dynamic stability of treadmill walking. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 2011, 8:12.
Terrier P, Dériaz O. Persistent and anti-persistent pattern in stride-to-stride variability of treadmill walking: influence of rhythmic auditory cueing. 20th annual meeting of theEuropean Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children Sep 2011, Vienna, Austria. Oral communication.
Faiss R, Terrier P, Praz M, Fuchslocher J, Gobelet C, Deriaz O. Influence of Initial Foot Dorsal Flexion on Vertical Jump and Running Performance.The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 2010, 24:2352
Terrier P. Les chaussures orthopédiques améliorent-elles la stabilité dynamique de la marche chez des patients avec de graves fractures de la cheville ? Journée scientifique IRR Nov. 2010. Oral communication.
Schmidlin T, Reynard F, Terrier P, Bergeau J, Dériaz O. Influence du genou verrouillé sur l’activité électromyographique des mobilisateurs de cheville. 25e congrès SOFMER Oct. 2010. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Luthi F, Dériaz O. Do orthopaedic shoes improve dynamic stability of gait in patients with severe foot&ankle injuries?17th European Congress of the European society of physical and rehabilitation medicine May 2010, Venice Lido, Italy. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Dériaz O, Meichtry A, Luthi F. Prescription footwear for severe injuries of foot and ankle: Effect on regularity and symmetry of the gait assessed by trunk accelerometry.Gait and posture 2009, 30:492-496.
Terrier P, Luthi F, Dériaz O. Do orthopaedic shoes improve dynamic stability of gait in patients with severe foot&ankle injuries?17th European Congress of the European society of physical and rehabilitation medicine May 2010, Venice Lido, Italy. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Dériaz O, Meichtry A, Luthi F: Prescription footwear for severe injuries of foot and ankle: Effect on regularity and symmetry of the gait assessed by trunk accelerometry. 13th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science Jul. 2008, Estoril, Portugal. Oral communication.
Terrier P. Variabilité de la marche dans le cadre de l’adaptation du chaussage: une mesure utile en pratique clinique ? Journée scientifique IRR Mar. 2008. Oral communication.
Lecoultre V, Nguyen DMT, Terrier P, Hills P, Schutz Y. Effectiveness of different walking prescription durations on the increase in physical activity in women. 15th European Congress on Obesity Apr 2007, Budapest, Hungary. Poster
Nguyen DMT, Lecoultre V, Terrier P, Schutz Y. Vertical oscillation of the body in obese women while wlking uphill and downhill as measured by high accuracy GPS. 15th European Congress on Obesity Apr 2007, Budapest, Hungary.Poster
Terrier P, Wearing S, Hills AP, Schutz Y. Optimal slope for minimizing energy cost of locomotion: indirect assessment by high accuracy GPS. ECSS July 2006, Lausanne. Poster.
Schutz Y, Hills AP, Lecoultre V, Terrier P. An accelerometric method to track the effectiveness of a walking program. ECSS July 2006, Lausanne. Poster.
Terrier P, Chalokh M, Schutz Y. Detection of short walking episodes in daily life by means of a new accelerometric approach. ECSS July 2006, Lausanne. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Turner V, Schutz Y. GPS analysis of human locomotion: further evidence for long-range correlations in stride-to-stride fluctuations of gait parameters. Human movement science 2005, 24(1): 97-115.
Terrier P, Schutz Y. How useful is satellite positioning system (GPS) to track gait parameters? A review. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 2005, 2, 28.
Schutz Y, Terrier P. Monitoring of physical activities in daily life by means of accelerometry combined with global satellite positioning (GPS). 3rd Fribourg Obesity Research Conference (FORC) Sep 2005, Fribourg. Poster.
Terrier P, Chalokh M, Schutz Y. Detection of short walking episodes in daily life by means of a new accelerometric approach. European Congress on Obesity Jun. 2005, Athens, Greece.Oral communication.
Kumahara H, Tanaka H, Terrier P, Ishii K, Oppert JM, Guy-Grand B, Schutz Y. Comparison of 2 accelerometers for assessing daily energy expenditure in adults. Journal of physical activity and health 2004, 1(3): 270-280.
Terrier P, Schutz Y. Les capteurs de mouvement: Un moyen simple et objectif pour évaluer le niveau d'activité physique: Médecine du sport. Médecine et hygiène 2004, 62 (2491), 1525-1529.
Terrier P, Schutz Y. Variability of gait patterns during unconstrained walking assessed by satellite positioning (GPS). European journal of applied physiology 2003, 90 (5-6): 554-561.
Coronado M, Janssens JP, de Muralt B, Terrier P, Schutz Y, Fitting JW. Walking activity measured by accelerometry during respiratory rehabilitation. Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention 2003, 23 (5): 357-364.
Terrier P, Schutz Y. Analyse GPS de la locomotion humaine: mise en évidence de corrélations a long terme dans les fluctuations de la vitesse de marche, de la longueur du pas et de la fréquence du pas. Symposioum DISS Nov. 2003, Lausanne.Oral communication.
Fuso L, Favre JF, Terrier P, Schutz Y. Estimation ambulatoire de la capacité aérobie maximale basée sur la mesure de la vitesse de course –évaluée par GPS– et la fréquence cardiaque chez l’homme. Symposium DISS Nov. 2003, Lausanne. Oral communication.
Terrier P, Schutz Y. Monitoring of physical activities in daily life by means of accelerometry and satellite positioning (GPS). 7th joint scientific meeting, Faculities of Medicine Universities of Geneva and Lausanne,Sept. 2003. Poster.
Young researcher award. Département Interfacultaire de Sport et Santé (DISS), UNIL.
Schutz Y, Weinsier S, Terrier P, Durrer D. A new accelerometric method to assess the daily walking practice. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 2002, 26(1): 111-118.
Terrier P, Ladetto Q, Merminod B, Schutz Y. Measurement of the mechanical power of walking by satellite positioning system (GPS). Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2001 33 (11), 1912-1918.
Terrier P, Aminian K, Schutz Y. Can accelerometry accurately predict the energy cost of uphill/downhill walking? Ergonomics 2001, 44 (1), 48-62.
Terrier P, Schutz Y. Measurement of the mechanical power of walking by global satellite positioning system (GPS). International Society of Biomechanics congress Jul. 2001, Zurich. Poster.
Terrier P, Ladetto Q, Merminod B, Schutz Y. High-precision satellite positioning system as a new tool to study the biomechanics of human locomotion. Journal of Biomechanics 2000, 33 (12), 1717-1722.
Schedel JM, Terrier P, Schutz Y. The biomechanic origin of sprint performance enhancement after one-week creatine supplementation. The Japanese journal of physiology 2000, 50 (2), 273-276.
Perrin O, Terrier P, Ladetto Schutz Y. Improvement of walking speed prediction by accelerometry and altimetry, validated by satellite positioning. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2000, 38 (2), 164-168.
Schedel JM, Tanaka M, Tanaka H, Kiyonaga A, Shindo M, Terrier P, Schutz Y. Consequences of one-week creatine supplementation on creatine and creatinine levels in athletes' serum and urine. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin und Sporttraumatologie 2000, 111-116.
Grünig S, Ladetto Q, Merminod B, Schutz Y, Terrier P. GNSS hits the slopes. Galileo’s World 2000, 14-23.
Ladetto Q, Gabablio V, Merminod B, Terrier P, Schutz Y. GPS-INS: from Geodesy to Physiology. LEICA Reporter 2000, 23.
Schutz Y, Terrier P. Positionnement par satellites (GPS) et accélérométrie: Nouvelles applications dans le domaine du sport. Médecine et hygiène 2000, 58 (2309), 1533-1536.
Oppert JM, Lluch A, Terrier P, Durrer-Schutz D, Guy-Grand B, Schutz Y. Comparaison de la dépense énergétique estimée par accélérométrie uni- et tri-axiale avec la dépense énergétique mesurée en chamber calorimétrique. AFERO Nov. 2000, Toulouse, France.Oral communication.
Schutz Y, Terrier P. Positionnement par satellites (GPS) pour l’évaluation et l’amélioration de la performance des athèltes lors d’exercices dynamiques : application au ski de descente. Réunion des entraîneurs nationaux, Nov. 2000, Macolin. Poster.
Ladetto Q, Gabaglio V, Merminod B, Terrier P, Schutz Y. Human Walking Analysis Assisted by DGPS. GNSS Max 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland.Oral communication.
Terrier P, Ladetto Q, Merminod B, Schutz Y. High precision satellite positioning system as a new tool to study the biomechanics of human locomotion. GCMA Apr 2000, Rochester (USA). Oral communication.
Ladetto Q, Merminod B, Terrier P, Schutz Y. Quand GPS emmène le ski vers de nouveau sommets. EPFL Flash 1999, 19 :39.
Ladetto Q, Terrier P, Merminod B, Schutz Y. Taking Skiing to New Heights. GPS World Showcase, 1999 14-14.
Ladetto Q, Merminod B, Terrier P, Schutz Y. On foot navigation: When GPS alone is not enough. GNSS99, Oct 1999, Genova, Italy.Oral communication.
Terrier P, Aminian K, Schutz Y. Can accelerometry accurately predict energetic cost of walking in uphill and downhill conditions?9th European Congress on Obesity 1999, Milano, Italy.Oral communication.
GPS World Innovation Award
“Taking skiing to new heights”. Ladetto, Schutz, Merminod, Terrier