Wojtczuk‐Turek, A., Turek, D., Edgar, F., Klein, H. J., Bosak, J., Okay‐Somerville, B., ... & Karamustafa‐Köse, G. (2024). Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction—Unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross‐cultural perspective from 54 countries. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
Lupina-Wegener, A., McDonald, F., Karamustafa, G., Shan, J., & Zhang, G. (2023). Liability of emergingness of emerging market banks internationalizing to advanced economies. Duarte, P., Leandro F., & Galan E (Ed.) ‘Globalization with Chinese Characteristics: globalization, Belt and Road Initiative and Global Governance’, Cambridge University Press.
Lupina-Wegener, A., Karamustafa, G. & Eliott, C. (2023). Les espaces de travail hybride renforcent la diversité et l’inclusion. HR Today Magazine 1/2023.
Karamustafa, G., Schneider, S.C, & Davis, J.D. 2022. Unpacking the dynamics in acquisition of capabilities: The role of identities during postmerger integration. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 35 No.2.
Research project (with Prof. A. Lupina-Wegener): Hybrid Working (Cheque d'innovation- Innosuisse)
Karamustafa, G., Lupina-Wegener, A. & Eliott, C. (2021). Les trois leviers pour instaurer une culture de l'innovation au travail. HR Today, Octobre, No. 5, pp: 39-40.
Karamustafa, G., Lupina-Wegener, A. (2021). Interkulturelle Management - kompetenzen in KMU. Swiss Export Journal, Juli, No.3, p.12.
Research projects (with Prof. A. Lupina-Wegener): - Virtual cross-cultural collaboration competencies in the digital age (funded by HES-SO COVID-19 Domaine Economie et Service). - Workplace innovation process in SMEs (funded by HES-SO RCSO Economie & Management). - International new ventures in China (Research grant obtained from Leading House Asia)
Karamustafa, G. & Schneider, S.C. 2020. Buffering and Bridging: How leaders can make a difference during post-merger integration process. Zander, L. (Ed.) ‘Research Handbook of Global Leadership: Making a difference.’ Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lupina-Wegener & Karamustafa, (2020). Apprendre à développer ses affaires en Chine, March, AGEFI.
Research projects (with Prof. A. Lupina-Wegener): - Sino-Swiss collaboration center with Nihub China (Innovation Partnership Grant obtained from Leading House Asia) - Effectiveness in remote work and well-being in the context of the social distancing (funded by the HES-SO COVID-19 Domaine Economie et Service)
Research project (with Prof. A. Lupina-Wegener): Resilience at work (Cheque d'innovation Innosuisse)
Lupina-Wegener, A., Karamustafa, G., & Schneider, S.C. 2016. Causes and Consequences of Different Types of Identity Threat: Perceived legitimacy of decisions in M&As. Risberg, A. King D. and Meglio, O. (Eds.) ‘The Routledge Companion to M&A.’ Routledge. Oxon.