W. M. Kooli, T. Junier, M. Shakya, M. Monachon, K. W. Davenport, K. Vaideeswaran, A. Vernudachi, I. Marozau, T. Monrouzeau, C. D.Gleasner, K. McMurry, R. Lienhard, L. Rufener, J. L. Perret, O. Sereda, P. S. Chain, E. Joseph*, P. Junier*. (2019). Remedial treatment of corroded iron objects by environmental Aeromonas isolates. Applied and environmental microbiology, 85(3), e02042-18. Advance online publication. doi:10.1128/AEM.02042-18
L.Comensoli, W. Kooli, M. Monachon, M. Albini, L. Mathys, P. Junier, E. Joseph*. The potential of microorganisms for the conservation-restoration of iron artworks. In METAL 2019 Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group Conference Proceedings. Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2nd-6th September 2019. L. Brambilla, C. Chemello, E.Joseph, (Eds.), ICOM-CC and Haute Ecole Arc, 2019; in press.
N. Gutknecht*, E. Joseph*. E Stabilisation of archaeological copper alloy objects from chlorides induced active corrosion with use of fungi Beauveria bassiana. In METAL 2019 Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group Conference Proceedings. Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2nd-6th September 2019. L. Brambilla, C. Chemello, E.Joseph, (Eds.), ICOM-CC and Haute Ecole Arc, 2019; in press.
Contributions to books
M. Monachon, M. Albelda-Berenguer,& E. Joseph*. (2019). Biological oxidation of iron sulfides. Advances in Applied Microbiology, in press.
M. Albelda-Berenguer, M. Monachon, & E. Joseph*. (2019). Siderophores: From natural roles to potential applications. Advances in Applied Microbiology, volume 106, chapter 5 (pp. 193-225).
Outreach activities
E. Domon Beuret, E. Joseph. Restauration de la statuette d'Osiris du MEN dans le cadre du projet CTI Biopatines. In Collections de l'Egypte ancienne. Musée d'ethnographie de Neuchâtel: Neuchatel, in press.
Interview, T. Pfefferlé. Des champignons pour remédier à la corrosion. Hémisphères, la revue suisse de la recherche et de ses applications 16, in press. http://www.revuehemispheres.com/
Steering committee and editorial committee, METAL 2019 Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group Conference Proceedings. Neuchatel, Switzerland, September 2-6 2019. https://metal2019.org/conference/committees/
Organizing committee, 6th collaborative workshop Gels on Metals. Bordeaux, France, February 8 2019.
Peer-reviewed papers
W. Kooli, L. Comensoli, J. Maillard, M. Albini, A. Gelb, P. Junier*, E Joseph*. (2018). Bacterial iron reduction and biogenic mineral formation for the stabilisation of corroded iron objects. Scientific reports, 8(1), 764.
M. Albini, L. Letardi, L. Mathys, Brambilla, J. Schröter, P. Junier & E. Joseph*. (2018). Comparison of a bio-based corrosion inhibitor versus benzotriazole on corroded copper surfaces. Corrosion Science, 143, 84-92.
M. Albelda Berenguer, M. Monachon, C. Jacquet, P. Junier, C. Rémazeilles, E.J. Schofield, E. Joseph* (2018). Biological oxidation of sulfur compounds in artificially degraded wood. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2018.06.009
L. Comensoli, J. Maillard, W.M. Kooli, P. Junier, E. Joseph*. (2018). Iron Reduction Assays with Desulfitobacterium hafniense: Soluble Iron Phase, Solid Iron Phase and Corroded Coupons. Bio-protocol (open-access), Vol 8, 17.
P. Letardi, M. Albini, E. Joseph. (2018). EIS measurements for treatments testing: the case of a bio-based method applied on outdoor bronze statues in Switzerland. ScienceOpen.
E. Joseph*, M. Albelda, W.M. Kooli, L. Mathys, M. Monachon, J. Schröter, & P. Junier (2018). Stabilization of endangered heritage objects: call a microbial plumber! New Biotechnology, 44, S17.
Oral contributions to international conferences
E. Joseph, M. Albelda, K. Kooli, L. Mathys, M. Monachon, J. Schröter, P. Junier. Stabilization of endangered heritage objects: Call a microbial plumber! ECB 2018, 18th European Congress On Biotechnology, Geneva, Switzerland, July 1-4 2018.
Outreach activities
Chairman, session of environmental biotechnology. ECB 2018, 18th European Congress On Biotechnology. Geneva, Switzerland, July 1-4 2018.
Invited speaker, Issues with gels for the application of biopatinas as metal protection. 2nd collaborative workshop Gels on Metals. Paris, France, September 27-28 2018.
Des champignons à la rescousse, Science night Tout un art ?. Geneva, Switzerland, July 7-8 2018.
Interview, S. Mushegian. Metal art, microbial culture, American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) Today 2018, 17 (4), 18-23. paperfront.
Peer-reviewed papers
P. Junier*, E. Joseph. (2017). Microbial biotechnology approaches to mitigating the deterioration of construction and heritage materials. Microbial biotechnology, 10(5), 1145-1148.
L. Comensoli, J. Maillard, M. Albini, F. Sandoz, P. Junier, E. Joseph*. (2017). Use of bacteria to stabilize archaeological iron. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83:e03478-16.
M. Albini, C. Chiavari, E. Bernardi, C. Martini, L. Mathys, E. Joseph* (2017). Evaluation of the performances of a biological treatment on tin-enriched bronze. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(3), 2150-2159.
M. Albini, C. Chiavari, E. Bernardi, C. Martini, L. Mathys, P. Letardi, P. Junier, E. Joseph*. Evaluation of the influence of alloying elements on the performances of a biological treatment. In METAL 2016 Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group Conference Proceedings. New Delhi, India, 26th-30th September 2016. R. Menon, C. Chemello, A. Pandya, (Eds.), ICOM-CC and IGNCA, 2017; .e-book 23305054, 306-313.
P. Letardi*, B. Ramírez-Barat, M. Albini, P. Traverso, E. Cano and E. Joseph. Copper alloys and weathering steel used in outdoor monuments: Weathering in an urban-marine environment. In METAL 2016 Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group Conference Proceedings. New Delhi, India, 26th-30th September 2016. R. Menon, C. Chemello, A. Pandya, (Eds.), ICOM-CC and IGNCA, 2017; e-book 23305054, 320-328.
Contributions to books
L. Comensoli, S. Bindschedler, P. Junier*, E. Joseph*. (2017). Iron and Fungal Physiology: A Review of Biotechnological Opportunities. In S. Sariaslani, & G. M. Gadd (Eds.), Advances in Applied Microbiology, volume 98, chapter 2 (pp. 31–60).
E. Joseph*, S. Bindschedler, M. Albini, L. Comensoli, W. Kooli, L. Mathys. (2017). Chapter 35 Microorganisms for Safeguarding Cultural Heritage. In The Fungal Community: Its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem, Fourth Edition (pp. 509-518). CRC Press.
S. Bindschedler, T.Q.T. Vu Bouquet, D. Job, E. joseph, P. Junier*. (2017). Fungal ricovery of gold from e-waste. In S. Sariaslani, & G. M. Gadd (Eds.), Advances in Applied Microbiology, volume 99, chapter 2 (pp. 53-81).
Oral contributions to international conferences
E. Joseph, Extraction or passivation of corroded metal: Call a microbial plumber! 2nd Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage Conference, November 16-17 2017.
Outreach activities
La nature au service du patrimoine artistique. In dossier Quand la technique se mêle d’art, En Direct, Le journal de la recherche et du transfert de l'Arc jurassien, numéro 271, Juillet 2017.
Organizer, Symposium in biotechnologies for the preservation of art and built heritage, Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Organismal Biology in collaboration with the CUSO Doctoral Program in Microbial Sciences, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, March 24 2017.
Organizer, workshop Des microbes protecteurs de métaux, passeport vacances, Neuchatel, Switzerland, August 9 2017 and July 15 2015.
Archéologie : des bactéries contre la rouille. Press communication, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2017.
Des bactéries contre la rouille. Radio Télévision Suisse La 1ère, radio program CQFD and Avis d’experts, Switzerland, 2017.
Des bactéries contre la rouille. Nouvelle Agence Economique et Financière AGEFI daily e-paper, Switzerland, 2017.
Des bactéries contre la rouille. ARCInfo daily e-paper, Switzerland, 2017.
Des bactéries contre la rouille. Trait d'union, newsletter of the University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2017.
Neuchatel: des bactéries pour protéger des vestiges de la rouille. Agence Télégraphique Suisse, 2017.
Neuchatel: des bactéries pour protéger des vestiges de la rouille. Radio Télévision Neuchatel, daily news radio program, 2017.
Peer-reviewed papers
M. Albini, L. Comensoli, L. Brambilla, E. Domon Beuret, W. Kooli, L. Mathys, P. Letardi, E. Joseph* (2016). Innovative biological approaches for metal conservation. Materials and Corrosion, 67(2), 200-206.
Oral contributions to international conferences
E. Joseph. Microorganisms as mini chemical factories for the preservation of cultural heritage. Young Faculty Meeting 2016, Bern, Switzerland, June 8 2016. (invited speaker).
M. Albini, C. Chiavari, E. Bernardi, C. Martini, L. Mathys, P. Letardi, P. Junier and E. Joseph. Evaluation of the influence of alloying elements on the performances of a biological treatment. METAL 2016 Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group Conference Proceedings. New Delhi, India, 26th-30th September 2016.(represented by M. Albini).
E. Joseph, L. Comensoli, W. Kooli, P. Junier. Microbes for archaeological iron artefacts. Journées des Restaurateurs en Archéologie 2016, Toulouse, France. October 13-14 2016.
Outreach activities
Festisciences. University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, April 23 2016. https://www2.unine.ch/sciences/FestiSciences
Experience of a MSCA fellow. H2020 - Applicants’ Training on Individual Fellowships from the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), Neuchatel, Switerland, June 23 2016 & September 10 2015.
Peer-reviewed papers
E. Joseph*, P. Junier, M. Albini, P. Letardi, E. Domon Beuret, L. Brambilla, L. Mathys, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon. Biologically induced patina for metal built heritage. In Metalli in architettura. Atti del 31° convegno scienza e beni culturali, Bressanone, Italy, 30th June- 3rd July 2015. G. Biscontin, G. Driussi (Eds.), ARCADIA ricerche srl: Marghera, 2015; ISBN 9788895409191, 273-282.
E. Domon Beuret, L. Mathys, L. Brambilla, M. Albini, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon, P. Junier, E. Joseph*. Biopatines: des champignons au service des alliages cuivreux. In Conference Proceedings of Journées des restaurateurs en archéologie 2014 Restaurer l’ordinaire, exposer l’extraordinaire: du site au musée. Arles, France. 16th-17th October 2014. Atelier de Conservation-Restauration du Musée Départemental Arles Antique (MDAA) et A-CORROS, Arles, 2014. ARAAFU, Paris, 2015 ;Cahiers techniques n°22, ISBN 290746524.
Oral contributions to international conferences
E. Joseph. Biological alternative for the stabilization of copper corrosion layers. Swiss corrosion research: challenges, opportunities and applications. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, November 27 2015.
M. Albini, L. Brambilla, E. Domon Beuret, L. Mathys, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon, P. Junier, E. Joseph. Biopatines: des champignons au service des alliages cuivreux. Journée d’Etude Recherche et Innovation JERI 2015, Muséum de Toulouse, France. November 20 2015. (invited speaker represented by L. Brambilla).
E. Joseph. Des microbes au service du patrimoine culturel. Société neuchâteloise des Sciences Naturelles SNSN Conference, Neuchatel, Switzerland, November 4 2015.
M. Albini, E. Joseph, Laura Brambilla, Emmanuelle Domon Beuret, Lidia Mathys, Christian Cevey, Régis Bertholon, Pilar Junier. Comparison between biologically-induced copper oxalates and benzotriazole for the stabilization of copper chlorides. Journées des Restaurateurs en Archéologie 2015, Nantes, France. October 8-9 2015.
E. Joseph, P. Junier, M. Albin, P. Letardi, E. Domon Beuret, L. Brambilla, L. Mathys, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon. Biologically induced patina for metal built heritage. 31° convegno scienza e beni culturali, Bressanone, Italy, June 30 – July 3 2015. (represented by L. Brambilla).
E. Joseph. Microorganisms for safeguarding built heritage. 73rd Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Microbiology, Lugano, Switzerland, May 28-29 2015. (invited speaker).
Outreach activities
Article Les biopatines s’attaquent à la colonne Vendôme. En Direct, Le journal de la recherche et du transfert de l'Arc jurassien, numéro 259, Juillet 2015.
Organizer, workshop Biopatines, Graines de Belette, Neuchatel, Switzerland, March 19 2015.
Peer-reviewed papers
E. Joseph*, M. Albini, P. Letardi, E. Domon Beuret, L. Brambilla, L. Mathys, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon, D. Job, P. Junier.BIOPATINAS: Innovative biological patinas for copper-based artefacts. In Open Air Metal, Outdoor Metallic Sculpture from the XIXth to the Beginning of the XXth Century: Identification, Conservation, Restoration. A. Azéma, A. Texier, SFIIC - Section Française de l’Institut International de Conservation (Eds.), ICOMOS France, Paris, 2014; ISBN 9782905430182, 154-162.
E. Joseph*, P. Letardi, M. Albini, L. Comensoli, W. Kooli, L. Mathys, E. Domon Beuret, L. Brambilla, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon, D. Job, P. Junier. Innovative biological approaches for metal conservation. In EUROCORR 2014, European Corrosion Congress « Improving materials durabilty: from cultural heritage to industrial applications » Pisa, Italy, 8th-12th September 2014. DECHEMA e.V., Frankfurt and AIM – Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, Milano, 2014; ISBN 9783897461598, 1-10.
Oral contributions to international conferences
E. Joseph, Monica Albini, Lucrezia Comensoli, Wafa Kooli, Lidia Mathys, Pilar Junier. Innovative biotechnological approaches for metal protection. IMC10: The 10th International Mycological Congress, Bangkok, Thailand, 3rd-8th August 2014. (invited speaker represented by L. Comensoli).
E. Joseph, P. Letardi, M. Albini, L. Comensoli, W. Kooli, L. Mathys, E. Domon Beuret, L. Brambilla, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon, D. Job, P. Junier. Innovative biological approaches for metal conservation. EUROCORR 2014, European Corrosion Congress. Pisa, Italy, 8th-12th September 2014. Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, 2014. (invited speaker).
E. Joseph, M. Albini, P. Letardi, E. Domon Beuret, L. Brambilla, L. Mathys, C. Cevey, R. Bertholon, D. Job, P. Junier. BIOPATINAS: Innovative biological patinas for copper-based artefacts. Open Air Metal, Outdoor Metallic Sculpture from the XIXth to the Beginning of the XXth Century: Identification, Conservation, Restoration. Paris, France, 4th-5th December 2014. ICOMOS France, Paris, 2014. (invited speaker).
E. Joseph, E. Domon-Beuret. Biopatines: des champignons au service des alliages cuivreux. Journées des Restaurateurs en Archéologie 2014 « restaurer l’ordinaire, exposer l’extraordinaire : du site au musée »Arles, France, 16th-17th October 2014. Atelier de Conservation-Restauration du Musée Départemental Arles Antique (MDAA) et A-CORROS, 2014. (invited speaker).
Outreach activities
Insert Traitement de surface bio. In dossier Nouvelles pièces au puzzle du passé de l’Arc jurassien, En Direct, Le journal de la recherche et du transfert de l'Arc jurassien, numéro 253, May 2014.
E. Joseph & P. Junier. Researchers day - Haute Ecole ARC & University of Neuchatel, May 6 2014.
Co-Organizer, Symposium in Use of Microbes in the Conservation and Restoration of Art Objects, Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Organismal Biology in collaboration with the CUSO Doctoral Program in Microbial Sciences, University of Neuchatel, Switzerland, January 20 2014.
Between 2003 and 2013, participated in over 20 national and international research projects dealing with paintings, ceramics, polychrome leathers, archaeological objects and outdoor bronze monuments. Some examples (PI-principal investigator):
Alternative biological approaches for the preservation of metal artefacts BIOPATINAS. Fondation Gebert Rüf Stiftung GRS-054/12. 2013-2016 (PI)
Microbes for Archaeological Iron Artworks MAIA. Program Swiss National Science Foundation-Ambizione, PZ00P2_142514. 2013-2015 (PI)
Biological patina for copper-based substrates. Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI), 14573-2 PFLS-LS. 2013-2014 (PI)
Standardized Electrochemical in Situ Assessment of Metal Coatings SESAM. FP7 - JERICO Trans National Access N°12/1210182. 2012-2014 (PI)
Biological patinA for arcHaeological and Artistic Metal ArtefactS BAHAMAS. 7FP - Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship (IEF), PIEF-GA-2009-252759. 2010-2012 (PI)
Access, Research and Technology for the Conservation of the European Cultural Heritage EU-ARTECH. 6FP - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative, RII3-CT-2004-506171. 2004-2009
Invited speaker:
Metal 2013, Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal WG. Edinburgh, Scotland, September 16-20 2013.
Annual congress SCR/SKR 2013 To coat or not to coat – Protective coatings: history, theory and practice, Lugano, Switzerland, February 14-15 2013.
SME 2013, 5th Swiss Microbial Ecology Meeting, Murten, Switzerland, February 4-6 2013.
Bronze Conservation colloquium, Stuttgart, Germany, June 22-23 2012.
SKR-Jahrestagung Innovationen in der Konservierungs-Praxis, Bern, Switzerland, May 19-20 2011.
Marie Curie actions for an innovative Europe, Excellence, mobility and skills for researchers, EC, Brussels, 9-10 December 2010.