Arianna Passaretti obtained her Master’s degree in Conservation Science from the University of Milano (Italy) in 2019. The topic of her dissemination was the exploitation of non-invasive spectroscopic techniques for the study of cultural heritage. During her Master’s degree, she received a grant in the framework of the Erasmus+ Traneeship European programme to carry out her research at the Raman Spectroscopy Research Group in the University of Ghent (Belgium). Once received her degree, she joined the Chemistry department in the University of Milano (Italy) as a volunteer to take part in several research projects and in-situ campaigns mainly related to the employment of non-invasive and portable spectroscopic analyses for cultural heritage.
In the last four years, she has carried out her doctoral research in Chemistry at the University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and at the Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-restauration in Neuchâtel (Switzerland). Her research focused on the design and the assessment of bio-derived organogels for the cleaning of altered historical metal artworks. The research was developed within the framework of the project Helix (Investigating metal bioremediation for the preservation of historical metal artworks) funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) (grant number 205121_188755).
Starting from April 2024, she will be part of a collaborative project between the departments of Conservation-restauration and Engineering at the Haute Ecole Arc in Neuchâtel, focusing on the exploitation of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) and gels for the recovery of precious metals.