Laura Brambilla head of studies and research of HE-Arc CR, got her PhD in chemical sciences from the Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy. Her PhD thesis, carried out in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano, focused on the setup of methods for the monitoring of corrosion processes and products of bronze and gilded bronze artefacts, in particular for the case study of the “Porta del Paradiso” of the Baptistery of Florence, Italy. After the PhD she continued the collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and she participated to Italian national projects in the field of cultural heritage. She joined the Ra&D team of Haute Ecole Arc conservation-restoration in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, in April 2013. Since September 2017 she is Professor at the HE-Arc CR. After leading the CANS project (Conservation of cAns in collectioNS), an interdisciplinary research project funded by SNSF dedicated to the conservation of food cans in museums and collections, the ACUME_HV project, using Acoustic Emission methods for monitoring historical vehicles, as well as the FLUIDIS and LIQUOR projects, dedicated to natural history collections in fluid, she is currently project leader of the CORINT project, a SNSF Sinergia research dedicated to the investigation of iron artifacts in opaque porous media using multimodal imaging techniques (neutrons and X-rays). In addition, she has been scientific collaborator and PhD theses co-supervisor for the CHANGE project, an ITN research funded by the European Union.